Community bible study

Our mid week Community Bible Study meets online via Zoom on Wednesdays 7:00-7:50pm. Our time together is primarily one of discussion, following an initial time of teaching and exposing the unique and problematic elements in the selected text.  The principal goal is to teach skills and resources to help read the scripture texts thoughtfully through their historical meaning, vocabulary, Biblical intertextuality in view of glimpsing what they might mean for us today. Any and all are invited.

We meet each week to read the scripture text for worship together and dialogue about it - wrestling with what the scripture says and means for us. As Jacob wrested with the Angel in Genesis 22, refusing to stop striving until he left blessed with greater understanding and vision.

Each week you can find a downloadable study sheet, with examen questions, that we'll use in our conversation around the text.  This class space is not a lecture, but a discussion; a chance for those who gather in community to strive with the text, reading it through our own experiences, life together and spiritual journeys.

Pastor Monte will post textual study notes (similar to a Talmudic text) here that you can use for your own private reflection or bring with you to the class.  You can also engage the text via Monte's weekly blog posting, which seeks to flesh out principal interpretations of the text of the week for our life today. BLOG LINK to or to

Join the Zoom Call for Wrestling with Scripture through this LINK

Meeting ID: 546 703 271
Passcode: 5951

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833


We’re still deciding what we’ll do exactly during Winter 2025. You can contact Pastor Monte with a suggestions if you have one. Some ideas include:

  • Isaiah

  • the Trinity

  • The Minor Prophets

Below you’ll find a schedule image and then indvidual classes and downloads.


Sunday, January 12 | Isaiah 43:1-7; Psalm 29; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22