Annual Community Thanksgiving Day Meal

partner with us to respond to the hungers in oakland at thanksgiving

• THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 10:30-2:30PM •

MEAL SERVED 11am-12pm

You can give safely and securely online via our website on our GIVE page. Simply indicate the amount of your gift on the line marked “Thanksgiving Meal” or “Blessing Bags”. 100% of donated monies go to this project. None goes to administration or staffing. All gifts are tax-deductible.

A financial gift of $7.50 provides a hearty turkey dinner with all the fixings for someone else. For as little as $30, you can feed a family of four. Donations from people like you are what makes this community meal possible. Thank you for your partnership!

Sign up to help set-up, cook, serve & clean-up.

CLICK ON THIS LINK to be redirected to our online sign-up portal.

We’ll follow up with your directly before Thanskgiving with next steps.