We are part of the Presbyterian Church of the United Stated of America : the PC(USA).  That doesn't necessarily mean much to most people.  In fact it's often mistaken for some sort of a disease.  The PC(USA) is a Christian church of the protestant flavor based upon a presbyterian (aka democratic) form of government.  In general the PC(USA) is

  • A diverse grouping of Christians who identify across the spectrum from liberal to conservative and everything in between.

  • The Bible is taken seriously and our definitive source of God's revelation in Christ, and we also believe that God is still speaking and present in the world today. 

  • Men and women and children are equal members in authority and voice.

  • We don't encourage anyone to check their brain at the entrance door. 

  • Most recently the PC(USA) has nationally approved the ordination of other-sexed and same-sexed ministers, as well as the possibility of performing straight and gay marriages in our churches.

That's just a few quick highlights - and maybe a quick answer to your burning, hot-button issue questions.  And we believe being a community of faith is about more than just those.  

Here's a video we made to explain what being a Presbyterian flavored Christian means for us:



Here is a classic hand-drawn pamphlet from the 1980s that explains the basic aspects of what it means to be a Presbyterian Christian. PDF LINK

And if you like detailed dictionary-styled definitions - here you go:

Presbyterianism is a branch of Protestant Christianity that adheres to the Calvinist theological tradition and whose congregations are organized according to a Presbyterian polity. Presbyterian theology typically emphasizes the sovereignty of God, the authority of the Scriptures, and the necessity of grace through faith in Christ. Presbyterianism originated primarily inScotland. Scotland ensured Presbyterian “church government” in the Acts of Union in 1707  which created the kingdom ofGreat Britain. In fact, most Presbyterians found in England can trace a Scottish connection, and the Presbyterian denomination was also taken to North America mostly by Scots and Scots-Irish immigrants. The Presbyterian denominations in Scotland hold to the theology of Calvin and his immediate successors, although there is a range of theological views within contemporary Presbyterianism.

Modern Presbyterianism traces its institutional roots back to the Scottish Reformation. Local congregations are governed by Sessions made up of representatives of the congregation, a conciliar approach which is found at other levels of decision-making (Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly). Theoretically, there are no bishops in Presbyterianism; however, some groups in Eastern Europe, and in ecumenical groups, do have bishops.[citation needed] The office of elder is another distinctive mark of Presbyterianism: these are specially ordained non-clergy called ruling elders and ministers of Word and Sacrament called teaching elders who take part in local pastoral care and decision making at all levels. The office of deacon is geared toward the care of members, their families, and the surrounding community. In some congregations active elders and deacons serve a three-year term that is renewable for a second three-year term and then rotate off for at least a year. The offices of pastor, elder, and deacon all commence with ordination; once a person is ordained, he holds that title for the rest of his life. An individual may serve as both an elder and a deacon.

The roots of Presbyterianism lie in the European Reformation of the 16th century, with the example of John Calvin‘s Geneva being particularly influential. Most Reformed churches who trace their history back to Scotland are either Presbyterian or Congregationalist in government. In the twentieth century, some Presbyterians played an important role in the Ecumenical Movement, including the World Council of Churches. Many Presbyterian denominations have found ways of working together with other Reformed denominations and Christians of other traditions, especially in the World Communion of Reformed Churches. Some Presbyterian churches have entered into unions with other churches, such as Congregationalists, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Methodists.

(taken and edited from the Wikipedia entry on Presbyterianism)

Helpful Links

The Presbyterian Church (USA) ::  www.pcusa.org

The Presbytery of San Francisco :: www.presbyteryofsf.org

Presbyterian on Wikipedia :: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presbyterianism


An if you're really HARD CORE download an peruse the Constitution of the PC(USA) called the Book of Order [HERE]